Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona - Italian Strategic Design
Ismaele Chignola, Giulia Ciliberto
Equal Pay Day
workshop 21 March - 11 April 2019
award ceremony 18 April 2019
Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona
via Montanari 5, Verona
Sala Montanari, Società Letteraria
piazzetta Scalette Rubiani, Verona
award ceremony 18 April 2019
Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona
via Montanari 5, Verona
Sala Montanari, Società Letteraria
piazzetta Scalette Rubiani, Verona
A competition of ideas and a design workshop for the two-year course in Italian Strategic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, coordinated by Ismaele Chignola for the Copywriting Course and by Giulia Ciliberto for the Visual Communication Design Methodology Course, conceived to raise awareness of the differences in pay and career prospects that are still weighing heavily, in particular with reference to the pay gap and the lack of support for women professionals, self-employed women and professional sportswomen.
Among the 30 projects nominated, the jury awarded the following prizes:
First prize
Beatrice Borellini and Laura Verri
Gli abiti del capo non sono nel mio guardaroba (The boss's clothes are not in my wardrobe)
Second prize
Laura Buratti and Anna Krizia Lonardi
E’ ora di ambire alla stessa carica (It's time to aspire to the same role)
Third prize
Francesca Boschetti, Eleonora Fontanella
Jury members
Cecilia Residori and Antonia Pavesi, president and vice-president of Fidapa Verona Est
Antonella Andriani, vice-director, Academy of Fine Arts of Verona
Roman Testoni, teacher, Academy of Fine Arts of Verona
Paola Poli,provincial councilor of Parità
Elena Patruno, president of the Interprofessional Equal Opportunities Committee
image: Beatrice Borellini and Laura Verri, Gli abiti del capo non sono nel mio guardaroba, 2019