Agenzia Nazionale Italia  e Agenzia Nazionale Portogallo
Erasmus+ Programme

26 - 28 September 2018

Palazzo Comitini, Teatro Politeama


Participation of the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona with a speech by Director Francesco Ronzon entitled Patrimoni in comune, restauro artistico, spazi sonori, geografie (Patrimony in common, artistic restoration, sound spaces, geographies) in the international conference TCA - Paths towards Citizenship through European Cultural Heritage organized in the European Year of Cultural Heritage by the Italian and Portuguese national Erasmus+ agencies.

With the aim of promoting a sense of civic participation, intercultural dialogue and the enhancement of the territory, the Academy devotes particular importance to the promotion of didactic, extra-curricular and post-graduate projects in collaboration with external organizations which place cultural heritage at the center of their activities.
If by cultural heritage we mean "a shared set of material and immaterial signs that a group, a society or a nation assumes as a spiritual and material inheritance of its past and decides to preserve in the present and for the benefit of future generations" (Timothy, Boyd, 2003), it is clear that heritage, in its multiplication of elements and in its various transformations over time, cannot be described a priori, nor can it be inscribed in an absolute way within hierarchies of values.
Its essence does not reside in the set of tangible and intangible signs of which it is composed, but rather in the meanings attributed to them: heritage represents traces, links between the past and the present, between one society and another, constructed, always relative, emotional and symbolic.

Working with cultural heritage through artistic practice thus makes it possible to address current and urgent issues concerning the sense of belonging to a community, personal and collective memory linked to history, the need to deal with cultural conflicts and frictions, and the enhancement of the local territory and its goods.

Visit the project website