Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona
Comune di Cesenatico, Assessorato alla Cultura, Istituto Beni Culturali Regione Emilia-Romagna, Cooperativa Bagnini, Consulta Volontariato
Mauro Pipani
Marta Ferretti
Giovanna Andreassi, Alexandra Balint, Marco Berton, Amanda Busetti, Benedetta Cammarota, Maria Dalla Vecchia, Ilenia Dusi, Giulia Gabos, Rebecc Lanza, Bianca Lehau, Francesco Mangiafridda, Valentina Mazza, Elena Monaco, Francesca Pisano, Luca Scappi, Alessia Talò, Ilaria Tira, Camilla Tosato, Stefano Toniolatti, Chiara Ventura, Chiara Zampol, Gloria Zoccante
27 June - 30 September 2019
free beach Cesenatico
Tende al Mare (Tents by the Sea) is a public art project that was born in Cesenatico in the summer of 1998 from an idea of the Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo with the intention of offering to the general public, at the seaside, in a visible and popular place, outside the art system, such as the public beach of the coast of Romagna, the opportunity to enjoy and have a direct encounter with the works of contemporary artists.
Through the large canvases exposed to the sun and used by bathers to stay cool in the shade instead of umbrellas, the project hinges on elements that hold together cultural purposes, participation and tourist promotion of the territory.
For the 2019 edition, the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona presented twenty-five tents on the figure of Leonardo and his inventions, made by the students of the Academy's Painting Techniques course led by Professor Mauro Pipani.
The Tende al Mare 2019 were previewed in Verona at the Cortile Mercato Vecchio during the first edition of In.Con.Tra, the Festival of Relationships, promoted by Progetto Giovani.
The event saw the participation of the Mayor of Cesenatico Matteo Gozzoli, the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Cesenatico Emanuela Pedulli, the Councilor for Heritage of Verona Edi Maria Neri, the President of the Academy, Marco Giaracuni, the Director of the Academy, Francesco Ronzon, and the teacher Mauro Pipani for a public presentation of the project and the 2019 edition.
After the exhibition held in Verona, five works were acquired by the Academy and the remaining 20 stayed on the beaches of Romagna throughout the summer season.
At the end of the exhibition, on the beach in Cesenatico, the tents were auctioned off and the proceeds were given to voluntary associations for solidarity initiatives.
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